CMX1 Deep Dives #1 How to automate incident management with our latest innovations

Welcome to CMX1 Deep Dives — our webinar series where we delve deep into different aspects of the CMX1 Platform, covering client use-cases and feature-rich demos designed to help our clients get the most out of new and time-tested features.
This CMX1 Deep Dive webinar replay takes us deep into CMX1’s latest Incident Management capabilities: Smart Forms, Automated Workflow Shortcuts, and the Escalations Engine. Learn how some of our customers are already leveraging these latest CMX1 innovations to boost efficiency and save time and money!
Want to know more?
In a traditional implementation, each case that gets submitted will be reviewed by a gatekeeper who makes a determination about what needs to happen next. Oftentimes, this gatekeeper doesn’t even get the information they need, and much back-and-forth is required to determine next steps. This is a costly, inefficient process that collects zero data for long-term trending and reporting.
With CMX1, it’s now possible to set up smart forms with case types and conditional fields that map to product categories, sub-categories, and even individual products. This capability lets our customers set up smart decision trees to ensure all relevant information is gathered for specific scenarios– from emergencies to product quality issues to distributor service problems. From there, the system can trigger specific workflow steps based on the comprehensive and specific information that is collected in these key fields. The system can then automatically route the case to a supplier, distributor, or other party, notifying key constituents in the process. The internal team has a clear overview of which cases are assigned to what parties, and why.
Since it can be difficult in large decentralized environments to track everything 1-by-1, especially with so much automation taking place, the CMX1 Incident module recently introduced an escalations engine that allows users to set up business rules and thresholds for email escalations. This early warning system will e-mail (and in the near future, text) key personnel when critical thresholds have been reached within a certain time period, such as “5 or more complaints relating to foreign objects for a specific product within 5 business days”.
Best of all, this functionality is all accessible to our customers through the UI for on-going management and upkeep, so that your team can stay up to speed with the rapidly-changing environment we all operate in.
As as you'd expect from the most configurable EQMS available — CMX1, every attribute in each case is accessible and reportable in our fully-integrated BI tool. We’ll share how clients are getting best-in-class dashboards to detect trends and understand patterns that help shape the business decisions they will make to drive quality and reduce risk.
Grab your popcorn and click play to watch the full webinar replay!
Chris Rice:
Everybody. Welcome to our webinar. I'm Chris Rice, CMX's Chief Product Officer, and on behalf of the whole team, I'd like to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to join us today. It's a special day for us because this presentation marks the beginning of our CMX1 deep dives webinar series and for this inaugural webinar we're going to be sharing a variety of technological innovations we've recently released for our incidents module and how our customers are using them. Next slide please, Chauncey. By way of housekeeping, this presentation should last roughly 40 minutes to an hour. We'll do our best to answer questions that come up in the chat window. I see LD already asked one and for those that we can't get to will follow up after the webinar individually to get through to you on the questions. We will be saving a recording and you and your colleagues can access the recording on a page we will share with you in the coming days.
Most of all, we hope you find the time today worthwhile and if so, please look out for subsequent invites. We're going to be doing these on a quarterly basis. We have a ton more great stuff that we're going to be sharing in the coming months, including deep dives into our document and policy management modules, which we're doing extensive work on currently. So with that, I'll first turn things over to Ben Terris. Ben is our product manager for the incidents module. Ben's going to provide an overview of the features we're going to be showing why they matter so much, and then Ben will turn things over to Chauncey Brisco for a technology demo of these features in action. Chauncey is a solutions delivery engineer at CMX and he brings a wealth of knowledge having led many of our recent incident implementations. Alright Ben, I'm going to toss it over to you. Take it away.
Ben Terris:
Thanks Chris. And hello everyone. As Chris mentioned, I am Ben Terris, product manager at CMX, focused on incidents and all things crisis management and supply chain related. Chauncey prepared a fantastic demo today, so I'll try not to take up too much of his time. We're going to cover three different topics in today's demo. First case management followed by escalations of at-risk events and trends. And finally, case overviews and reports. When we began defining Next slide please. When we began defining the new incident management feature, customers conveyed that cases were taking a long time to close and were often error prone in their detail and how they were routed. These challenges often led to heavy case backlogs as new cases continued to accumulate. We've detailed this work stream on the left-hand side of the screen here you have a central figure such as an internal coordinator facilitating communications across the various stakeholders.
In this example, a simple web form is filled out by a location user reporting the issue within an open field and a handful of dropdowns. Every case utilizes the same form, which means important details may be missed and the issue routed to the same central coordinator before action can be taken. The coordinator may root the issue to a responsible party, but will likely go through a series of iterations with the reporter to ensure that the issue is recorded correctly and holistically before the responsible party is brought into the fold. Even after all of these iterations, the detail may remain incomplete or worse the wrong party is notified, think issues reported to the supplier when they should be reported to the DC or vice versa. This results in a time and labor intensive error prone process and may otherwise require immediate resolution. On the right hand side, you'll see CMX1 platform in which we're able to build the expert knowledge of your coordinators and subject matter experts into both the form and the workflow routing. Case configurations can be defined by your subject matter experts to support any number of issues represented at your locations. Smart forms may include conditional questions that guide your reporters in the field to the crux of the issue. While workflow shortcuts automatically send the issue to the correct party based on the answers to questions within the smart form, the coordinator and other stakeholders can be as involved as defined within the workflow. Meanwhile, they can monitor all relevant cases through data grids and visualizations. Which brings us to escalations as we deploy our incident management module across in many locations, trends begin to emerge, but even those can be difficult to identify within a high case volume overlooking trends or high risk events could negatively impact your ability to address issues before they spiral out of control. To mitigate these risks, our customers are now able to build data enrich notifications triggered by an easy to configure business rules engine. As an example, one of our customers defined a notification that is sent to their category managers whenever four cases were initiated related to specific products within their category of the same supplier and lock code. And finally, BI reporting. We'll be walking through our latest set of standard incident management BI reports. These are designed to provide a detailed overview of key trends while allowing you to drill in and explore pertinent dimensions. As with all of our reports, users can define their own filters and subscribe to regular alerts. Now on to Chauncey for our demo.
Chauncey Brisco:
Good morning everybody. My name is Chauncey Brisco, I'm the solutions implementation engineer for incident management and recall, I noticed a lot of the names here I've already met already. So hello to everyone that I've met before. And hello to everyone that's new to the incident management platform here. So what we're going to go through today is a demo of how we can use incident management to do two things, which is automate everything that we can and then two where we can win in the future as far as reporting and capturing business stories. So I'll hop over into the system here.
Alrighty, so we're going to do two things here real quick. One, I'm going to explain what you see on the screen and then two, we're going to actually jump inside of the demo. So the first thing here when we go to report a new incident, the first thing we're going to see here is the incident cases queue. Long story short, this is going to put all of the pertinent information right in front of your face exactly when you need it. So right now I'm logged in as a store location. So I'm here looking at all the cases related to my specific store. Information here is going to include the submitted date, the category of the incident itself, the product if there's one involved, and then the entities involved as well, such as the restaurant or location, the supplier if involved, and the distributor if they're involved as well. So plain and simple here we're going to come in here and click report new incident and we're going to be presented with the incident management reporting form.
Awesome. So we've got three category types here at the top we've got foreign object, we've got product quality and also location emergency. So we're going to go through two storytelling exercises here. One using the product quality and then the other using the location emergency. And we'll touch on a couple of things that Ben mentioned earlier as well. First up, we're going to go into product quality here and I'm going to point out a couple of things here. So one, the first thing that happens here is the system is smart enough to know that since I'm only associated with one store, that information is going to populate here for me already and I don't need to confirm my store. If I scroll down here, we're going to have a couple of standard fields that we have inside for all of the cases, which is one who's inputting the information and two, a phone number and email for that user as well. Again, the system is smart enough since I'm logged in that it already knows what my email is and what my phone number associated with my user is. So I just need to input my information here.
So today I'm going to go with one of my favorite people ever. We're going to work with Mitch Porsche today. He's going to be importing one of our cases here and if we scroll down here, it's going to ask us quite a few questions regarding this case. So since I chose product quality, we know that a product is going to be involved and the system is smart enough to automatically know from the information that we've received exactly who distributes product to your facility. So this is going to automatically populate for you whenever you're logged in as a store and when you choose that store. Now we understand that sometimes your locations may receive special shipments from let's say another distributor, there was an emergency distributor. You have the ability to actually check this box, which will clear this out and then it'll give you a lookup where you can actually input the or select a correct distributor that gave you that specific product. Now if we scroll down here to product information, the standard field that we are going to have here is going to be entering your product information, but we also have, we had smart use here of questionnaire forms here. So we're using the lot number question and the expiration best before date question as a way to collect more information and make this easier for the distributor and the supplier to triage this case.
So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to enter in my product today and I'm going to go with the spicy chicken filet that we have in the system and that'll pop up for me including key details about that specific product. And when I select it here, you'll see a supplier area pop up here that automatically populates the supplier because again, from the information in the background, we know exactly who is supplying that specific product to the distributor that routed it to your restaurant. So here I'll just enter in some dummy information for the lot number. Also, I should preface that all of the information that we're going to see here today is dummy information, except Mitch, he's a real dude.
All righty. Up next we've got the expiration best before date. I'm going to click our calendar icon here and I'll just go with today. Now one thing you'd notice is when I selected the spicy chicken filet, we had a question pop up here that is conditional to that specific product and here's where we get the win. So our question here is what type of issue are we experiencing with your spicy chicken filet? So before I use CMX, maybe I used Excel or some other type of program and I've actually collected enough information to know that my main subcategory issues for my spicy chicken filet is spoiled, moldy or damaged. So we have those three options here, but we also have a other option here and what happens when we select other is a conditional question will pop up telling me to please describe my issue. So here I'll put that we had a short count of spicy chicken filets in our case and we feel like we're all credit for that.
Now where the big reporting win here is as we jump onto the CMX platform and over time we're going to be able to collect enough information from this other area here where we know other subcategories that we need to put inside of the spicy chicken filet, right? So not only spoiled, moldy, damaged, we can include our short count here no matter how people put it, whether it's short count I pieces, we're going to be able to use the reporting in the background to get this information. And then we can answer important business questions. We may have like, Hey, in the last quarter how many short count spicy chicken lay incidents did we have? And then we'll be able to calculate that through the reporting and then get that presented to us in right in your face manner when we get into the reporting later. Last but not least, we have the incident detail section here where we're going to be collecting the incident date and the incident time and also the incident description. Notice that the incident date and time automatically populates based upon when I click the create new incident button on the screen before. And then for our incident description here, we can just mark that. Let's say I opened my box of filets and we were short, let's say 12 pieces in each case down here at the bottom I could enter in or add any attachments if I'd like to here, but we'll save that for just a second.
Last but not least, we have the request details area here where I can say yes, I would like to request credit for this and then some fields will pop up for you. One, it's going to ask you to desire quantity and then two, it's going to ask you the type, since I mentioned cases earlier within the incident description, I'll select that here and I'll say that I want three cases of credit for this. Maybe I got three cases that were short. Inside this box here, I could enter in any additional comments to justify my credit request if I'd like to. But that is going to be optional for you so we could actually come in and submit the incident. So if you notice there's an animation going on to submit incident button while it's processing in the background and it's going to give us basically an acknowledgement here in just a few seconds. Awesome. You'll see the screen went into a read only format, exactly what I entered in on the reporting form. And if I scroll all the way to the top here, this is going to be a message thanking me for my submission, giving me a case number and letting me know an email has been sent to the address that I provided. So first, let's go back into the cases queue and see what that looks like, what our new case looks like. So we'll remember that number 164.
Awesome. So this is the one that's going to pop right to the top for us. So inside I see that exactly who submitted the case, who it was submitted by and the time and the date, the category that we use, the product, the status, which is responsible party review, who that responsible party is, the current assignee, whether I've requested credit status or not. And also the entity details such as the location or restaurant, the supplier and the distributor. So if I jump into this case, right, let's take a look at what we have. And remember I'm still the restaurant at this point. So inside a case management we're going to give you all of the import and information that you need right at the top here. So one your case number on the right hand side we got what status your case is in, which is responsible party review.
Also, we had the information that we just went over such as the date submitted, the category, the restaurant or location involved, the product, supplier and distributor. Now where the money is being made, it's going to be in this action needed section here. It's going to let us know that this case is currently being reviewed by the supplier and it'll tell you exactly who it's assigned to. So notice that internal to the client, like the coordinator that Ben referenced earlier, he or she hasn't touched anything having to do with this case yet this is going to be automatically routed over to the supplier and they don't need to play the middleman for this particular case. Alrighty, so since this case is being reviewed by the supplier, there's actually going to be two ways that the supplier's going to be able to get into a specific case. I'm already logged in as the supplier. Let me find that one here. I'm already logged into the supplier here and if I refresh, our case is going to pop up here at the bottom. Oh, sorry, I had a little error there. No worries though. Sorry for the technical difficulties there, but let's jump into how the other way the supplier will get in without logging in because that's usually how our clients use this platform anyway.
So I'm going to hop into case 164 again and this time I'm logged in currently as the QA member. They're going to be the only ones that have access to be able to see this information that I'm about to show you. Before I jump into that notice that for this case it's going to show us again that it's being reviewed by the supplier and assigned to the supplier contact. And I had the ability as the internal member of the client to take back control at any time. So now if we look at the notifications that have gone out regarding this case, one we've got the first one that went out to the user that submitted it, that's basically saying, hey, thank you for your incident and thank you for reporting this incident, here's your ID number, don't reply to this email, but when we have something or some type of action item for you to do, we'll be sure to notify you. Up next another email was sent out, but this is the email that went directly to the supplier. So if I click view here, it's going to let them know that we've received an incident for one of the products that you provide for CMX. And the key here is going to be that it's going to include this access code here. So if I copy this and I'll open up a product here, what's going to happen here is in the top right you'll see that I'm logged in as guest access now and the only areas I'm able to get to is going to be the summary of the case and the case management of the case where I can make a decision. And also if I open up the menu, it's going to be the same thing. The only thing I can get to is the summary and the case management regarding this particular case. So now as a supplier, I need to make a decision here I got four options. One, I can ask a question to the internal QA member or the coordinator that've been referenced earlier. Two, I can request more information from the restaurant. Three, I can accept responsibility and four, I can dispute responsibility. Looks like we're doing pretty good on time. So what we'll do is we'll actually request more information from the restaurant.
All right, so we can request more information letting the restaurant know that we want pictures of the cases involved. I'm going to do this again, we'll see that same animation on the button here and then a system will refresh and let us know that the status has now been changed to awaiting restaurant details and also that the case is waiting additional details from the site and exactly who it's assigned to. So now as far as this guest access user, there's nothing left that I can do here. So I'll close this window out.
And let's jump back into notification history to see what's happened since we've now done that. So now we've got a third email here which is going straight to the restaurant, letting them know that hey, we need you to provide some more information for this case and then it'll give them the comment that we added as the supplier. So we're expecting them to please provide pictures of the cases involved and again, lucky them they've got that guest access code where they can do just that or they can log in and be able to do that as well. So again, I'll copy this link and toss it in a new window and we'll be logged in again as the guest access user with access to, you guessed it, just the summary field and the case management field for this particular case. Now I got some action items that I need to take. It's going to ask me to provide the requested information, which is pictures of the cases involved. So for our purposes today, I'm just actually going to take a screenshot of this area and use it so I can show you where this lands when we input this inside of the incident.
So I can say pictures provided of the case, I can select my file, I can upload it and I can give it name. Cases of spicy filet chicken, I can hit submit. We will give the system a second here. Perfect. So now I can see it's backend responsible party review. And note here that again it tells me the case is being reviewed by the supplier and that it's assigned to our field a Gainesville contact that we created. And notice that in this entire time as the QA member, I haven't had to touch this case not one time. This is all happening in the background without me having to physically touch this case. So again, I can clear out this guest access window. There's nothing left I have to do here. And if I open up this summary tab one more time, we're going to look at the notification history and see what's going on. I'll toss this into quick refresh here. Perfect. So now if we go back into the notification history, we can see that the supplier gets an email letting them know that that case has been updated by the restaurant. So they'll get actually another email letting them know, hey, the restaurant has provided the pictures that you asked, and they'll get another guest access code in order to enter the system.
Cool. So we'll grab this access code again and we will answer the case as the supplier. Perfect. So now I've got an area at the top here that'll give me the information that the site or the restaurant wrote, which is they provided pictures of the case and if I scroll down to the attachments area, we get a thumbnail of what that attachment was and then the description that they added as well. If I want I can download it too.
So now I can make my decision. And before we do that, we'll go over these four buttons again just to make sure we understand what they do. So one asking a question is going to be asking a question to the internal QA member, request more information from the restaurant. We just did that where we requested more pictures from them. Third, we have accept responsibility, meaning I reviewed all of the details of this case and I've determined that it's going to be my facility's fault. I could dispute responsibility and this will send it back to the internal QA member to make a decision. So for today, we are going to accept responsibility and then here inside of the resolution details, the supplier can add a corrective action, for our resolution details today we'll say that the supplier is going to state we'll get better at counting pieces and then we accept responsibility, the page refreshes and if we look at our case management status bar here, it's going to be green representing the status of closed. So now again, inside of this guest access window, there's nothing left for me to do since this case is now closed, I'm actually going to get out of here and we're going to see what this looks like from the QA member.
So if I open up case management here, I'm going to have the ability to come up here and then look at the details of the case of course. And then they gave us a resolution as well, if I receive more information where I need to reopen this case, maybe add more information or send it to the distributor. Any scenario there really I can reopen the case and have that taken care of for me and be able to select exactly what I want to do with this case. So now what happens now that the case is closed, if I hop inside notification history here, there's going to be a total of three emails that goes out when a case is closed. In this particular scenario, if it was the distributor's fault, then it would just go to the distributor instead of both the supplier and the distributor. So one going to the restaurant, it'll let them know that hey, this case involving your facility has been reviewed and the responsible party has been determined to be the supplier, credit has been approved for this product. And then it'll give them the corrected resolution details. And if they wanted to come back into the system and take a look at it, we've got another access code for them there to do so.
And we've got two more emails that have gone out, one to the distributor and one to the supplier, and it's basically saying the exact same thing, giving them an access code to get inside of that case as well. The distributors is going to be slightly different and I'll show you why right now. So let me get over to my distributor user and let's actually go into the incident credit status queue. We will give this a moment here.
Alrighty, sorry about that. But we'll go to our case here, which was 164. So we asked for credit regarding three cases of the spicy chicken filets, right? So contributor gets their email, they're going to let them know that they're going to be expected the credit in X number of days, which is determined by the client and then they're able to do one of two things. So either one, they'll come into this large queue here where they're able to say, hey, I issued credit for this specific case and then I issued it for this specific amount. Or we also have a way that we could do an integration where the distributor sends us a file over on a daily basis where this information will be automatically populated for that particular case. So for our case I'll say, yes, this credit has been issued and since we picked a store that's inside the qs, we'll say we will credit it in the United States dollar credited type. And for let's say I want to give a fair price to these spicy chicken filets, they mean a lot to my company here. So let's say we're going to give them $67 and 37 cents worth of credit for this. Now I could come up here and click save, and when I save this, this is going to disappear from the credit not issued queue. And if I go over to the credit issued, it'll live right inside this area where I can see exactly how much credit was given for this case. At this point, an email goes out to the store user as soon as this moves over to the credit issue queue, letting them know that your case has been credited. And if I go back inside that case and I scroll all the way down to the bottom, I'm going to have a new area called credited amount since that's been filled out and they'll tell me exactly how much credit was given for this particular incident. So that is usually how our product quality tickets go. They automatically go between supplier and distributor depending on what type of questions you ask and what type of answers that the user gives on the form without intervention from the internal complaints coordinator, allowing them to go on and do other things with their day and continue on with important work that they need to do. So up next what we are going to do is we're going to tackle a location emergency as well. I think you guys would really enjoy this one. So I'm going to go back in as the restaurant user. Again at the top you can see I'm in here as that 1101 user. I'm going to go back to our cases and again, I'm just going to report a new incident.
Alright, here instead I'm going to use location emergency. Again, my site information is already filled out, it knows exactly which store I am related to. And before we choose an incident subcategory, let's actually take a look at the rest of the form here. So again, for our site contact or my guy Mitch Porsche again, and we've got no other questions that we're asking at this point except for the position. And I'll say I'm a store manager at this point. Congrats Mitch. So now when I come in and I select the subcategory, we'll say that we've got a non-working restroom and you'll notice some other questions popped up down here based upon the incident subcategory that I picked. So let's go through and answer a few of these. It's going to ask me when my restaurant stopped working. If I select now, it's going to give me literally the time from now and it's going to ask me, excuse me, which restroom isn't working, whether it's the customer, men's and women's, the employees or all of them. We'll go with the men's bathroom today and notice some instructions pop up here when I selected that, letting them know what they're supposed to do.
We have a couple more questions here where we're asking if the store is closed because of this I can select yes and if the health department is involved here and I can select yes here as well. Now let's talk about some of the business uses, like why we are asking these questions and how our clients collect data, what type of business questions they're able to answer from this. So just from the information I collected right here, and let's say a year down the line, we're looking at the reporting, right? And for the past year we're going to be able to see, okay, how many cases did we have where our bathroom stopped working and the health department was in the store at the same time? We're going to be able to get count of that and that's going to be shown to us immediately. We could also answer questions like whenever we have a bathroom issue, how often do our stores close as well? We could include that in the reporting and that'll be right in front of you as well just based on some of the filters that we use inside that process. So down here if I come in and add a description here, we can say that the customer reported that the men's bathroom was out of order and we scheduled a plumber to come at 6:00 PM today. If I wanted to add attachments here again I could, but we're going to submit the incident. But before I do that, notice that for location emergency, what we don't see here, we don't see the supplier information, we don't see the distributor information, we don't see the product information because we customize this form to fit location emergency just based off of the click of a button at the top here. So I'll submit our incident. Awesome. And again, we get that read only view where we can see everything that we input inside of the reporting form itself. And again, it's going to give us a case number at the top. So if I go back to the cases queue and look at 165, we're going to notice something when we click inside here, which is one, this case was automatically closed. This is something that we can set up on the category level. So for location emergencies for a non-working bathroom, we could have it set to auto close because as the internal member at one of our clients, this is great information for me to know, but I don't really need to route this anywhere. I just really need to collect this for information so I can answer business questions about this later.
So if I scroll here, I'm going to be able to see of course all of the information that we've input on this ticket and that it was auto closed. Now on top of that, here's something else that happens. So Ben mentioned escalation notifications earlier. Let's go and let's take a look at notification history inside of our system and see what's going on here regarding this case.
We know we're using that 1101 restaurant here and this email is actually going to be related to that incident we just submitted 1137 about a minute ago. When I open it up, it's going to let us know that give us basically an SOP that automatically fires back to the user when it auto closes. And this is going to be very, very important because even though as the internal QA member, I'm not physically touching the ticket, I want you to be able to follow steps that are automatically going to be sent to you without me having to do that on your behalf. So in this email's going to say hello, here are the steps you need to after the bathroom is back up and running, and then we could add a link here. And this link can give them the ability to download an attachment or send them to some type of internal site of the clients where they're going to be able to find a standard operating procedure. Or honestly, if they wanted to, we could actually just list it out inside of this email if we didn't want to have specific client branding and we just wanted them to know the steps. And again, we have the last area here, which is going to give us the access code to get right back into the system.
Now we're going to notice another email fired off here. So let me go back to the case here and notice on this question here, we selected is the health department involved. And because I selected yes here, we fired off an email automatically to the media team here at CMX. And if I open it up, what's going to happen is it's going to let us know like, hey, a case has been submitted through the CMX incident management system. This case was reported because it matched the following criteria. Is the health department involved? Yes. And the answer was yes to that question. So now as the media team, I'm able to get an access link where I can directly go into the case and see exactly what's going on without even having to talk to the QA member or receive information from them. And this is going to be due to the escalations notification builder here. So we're actually going to jump into this one and take a look at exactly what we have. So if I hop in escalation configuration, I'll find the one that we set up for the health department and we'll take a look at what we have.
So the first thing we're going to do is name it and give it a description and then make it active of the course. Up next here, I'll put this in edit mode so we can see this in real time here. So up next we're going to select an escalation trigger. We could do it for single cases or we could do the use case that Ben mentioned earlier with multiple cases, one of our clients has it. So if the same number, same product, same supplier shows up on three or more cases that they received an email, that'll be for the multiple cases, that'll be a use case there. But for here, we just want to know whenever a single case is open with specific criteria, we want to fire off an email so we have it set. So any location, emergency category where that question is answered, yes, we're going to be firing off an email over to the media team and this area, we can edit the subject to exactly what we wanted to say. We could include specific information in the body if we want. And we also have the ability to add mentions here as well like you see here. So if I wanted to mention a specific restaurant, if I wanted to mention a specific product involved for an escalation, I could have that dynamically populate within the email itself. Ben and team was even nice enough to give us the ability to validate the notification template before we save it. So we're not saving anything that doesn't work or is not exactly what we want it to be.
So now that we have gone through our two use cases today, one, we went through a product quality case where we took the spicy chicken filet, we sent it back and forth between the restaurant and the supplier to get more information without the internal QA member we need to be involved. We also did the same thing for a location emergency. We did a non-working restroom where we had an area where the health department was involved and we automatically notified users based upon the answer of a specific question. So that is going to bring us over to our reporting. And this report itself is actually brand new here, but it's going to answer a lot of questions having to do with our cases that we have inside of the system. So there are going to be many areas here and we'll walk through this row by row here. So up top here we're going to have basically the number of incidents and how many are in a specific status. So we've got 143 total incidents, we've got 126 of them closed. We've got nine incidents that are in review. And then we've got eight new incidents.
And the second row here, this is going to be all about the credits. You'll notice these little subheadings requested and approved. And so we can see exactly what is outstanding for each or what has been approved. And this is going to be based on what we're collecting as far as the credit type. If I'm looking for cases, if I'm looking for a currency, if I'm looking for each or pallet or pounds, et cetera, we can add any type of credit type that we want to add here. So this is broken down into what's been approved and what's been requested now this where things we're going to be talking about trends and things over time. So this is going to be how many incidents that we have basically over the span of a quarter. And if we hover over these bars here, it's going to let us know a couple of things. So one, it's going to give us whether it's been closed or it's still open, and also the total number of incidents in the quarter that it was submitted. So for example, I could look at quarter three from 2022 here and say, man, we had 25 total incidents and it looks like we are well on our way to meeting that same exact number in quarter four for example.
In these other areas here we're going to have different breakdowns. So one, we have the product quality for an object and also the restaurant, excuse me, location, emergency, those three buttons we saw at the top for each category. When we're filling out the form, we'll also have an area where you can see exactly which entity is most responsible for these incidents. So in our case, this distributor here, he's going to be the lead leader. So far he, he's got 55 incidents that have included their particular facility where they have been found at fault. We also have unassigned if it's the restaurant, the supplier, et cetera. Up next is going to let us know about the amount of incidents regarding our product categories. So meat is going to take up 43 incidents, produce 35, and we also have, I think this is a bakery one for 22 incidents.
And if we wanted to look at specific products as well, we could actually do that here in this area and see, okay, so my main product may be this chicken portion, breast filet, right? And I know that this is going to include, this is probably going to be the main product that people are going to be reporting because maybe I'm like a chicken spot for example. And then we could slide on down the list here we got the spicy chicken filet that we dealt with earlier, pepperoni, iceberg lettuce, et cetera. Now the cool thing about this is we're going to be able to tell stories just by clicking around here. So let's take our spicy chicken filet that we had here. When I click this, this graph is going to change and it's going to show us different information, but all based on the spicy chicken filet.
So for these 10 incidents, it looks like this supplier is going to be leading the way as far as who's responsible for this incident. Of course, product category, since we only click one product here, it's going to give us the meat incidents and there's always going to be product quality since that is going to be the one where we capture the product. And then also in our incidents over time, we're going to be able to look at each quarter and see exactly how many spicy chicken filet incidents we have. So in quarter three we've got one that's still in review, which is great, but we've got four already in quarter four. So this may be something that's alarming to me that I may need to notify someone on my food safety team or maybe a supplier or distributor as well about this. Now the cool thing about this report is one, it tells you all of this information, but two at the bottom here, I have the ability to download it in a PDF format. I could subscribe to it, so it'll come to my email every Monday morning for example. But you can set the frequency yourself maybe Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I want to see this information and that way I don't actually have to come to the BI, it'll actually come to me inside of my inbox and my normal day-to-day routine.
So again, that is going to be our incident management platform. And to just do a quick recap of what we went through today, we went through two incident types. One is going to be the product quality where based upon different answers to questions, we've shown different questions regarding a product where we're able to capture that information and use it later on for reporting. We also did the location emergency where we walked through the non-working bathroom situation and answered a couple of questions there, sent a couple escalation notifications automatically to specific users such as the media team and then sent an SOP back to that individual user so I could just keep that information and collect it itself. We also went through escalation notifications, which little synopsis there is. I need to notify somebody about something immediately and automatically without interference from a human entity. And then we went through the reporting, which is basically I want to answer specific business questions and I want to see specific, I want to have specific things presented to me that are important to my company as the stakeholder. And with that, I'll be passing it back over to Chris over here to close us out.
Chris Rice:
Thank you Ben and Chauncey, that was a fantastic, very informative, great thorough presentation on smart forms, our workflow shortcuts, escalations, and reporting. Some awesome examples there for everybody listening in. As I said at the beginning, we will be making a recording of this available if you'd like to share it more broadly within your organizations. As always, feel free to reach out to your customer success managers if you'd like to explore how you could leverage some of this great functionality within your existing configuration of CMX. Or if you're not yet using the incidents module, we would love to explore that with you. We'll give you back it looks like 10 minutes here. So thanks so much. Have a tremendous day. Take care. bye-bye.
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